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| interface Runnable{ void run(); }
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| class CodingTask implements Runnable{
@Override public void run() { System.out.println("writing code"); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
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| abstract class LoggingRunnable implements Runnable{
protected abstract void doRun();
@Override public void run() { System.out.println("Task started at " + LocalTime.now()); doRun(); System.out.println("Task done at " + LocalTime.now()); } }
abstract class TransactionRunnable implements Runnable{
protected abstract void doRun();
@Override public void run() { System.out.println("begin transaction."); boolean shouldRollback = false; try { doRun(); } catch (Exception e) { shouldRollback = true; throw e; } finally { if (shouldRollback) { System.out.println("rollback"); } else { System.out.println("commit"); } } } }
class CodingTask extends LoggingRunnable{
@Override protected void doRun() { System.out.println("writing code"); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args) { new CodingTask().run(); } }
- CodingTask从字面意思上是任务,原始的CodingTask实现了Runnable接口含义更明确
- 引入了另外一个前提,凡是在使用CodingTask的地方必须记录日志
- 如果我们现在不想要CodingTask记录日志了,而是当做一个Transaction处理,就必须修改代码让CodingTask继承TransactionRunnable抽象类
- 如果CodingTask要同时完成记录日志和启用事务,由于单继承的局限性,上面的代码无法做到(即使支持多继承,由于LoggingRunnable和TransactionRunnable都有doRun,到底调用哪个也是很复杂的)
- run方法比doRun具有更好的语义
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| class LoggingRunnable implements Runnable {
private final Runnable runnable;
public LoggingRunnable(Runnable runnable) { this.runnable = runnable; }
@Override public void run() { System.out.println("Task started at " + LocalTime.now()); runnable.run(); System.out.println("Task done at " + LocalTime.now()); } }
class TransactionRunnable implements Runnable {
private final Runnable runnable;
public TransactionRunnable(Runnable runnable) { this.runnable = runnable; }
@Override public void run() { System.out.println("begin transaction."); boolean shouldRollback = false; try { runnable.run(); } catch (Exception e) { shouldRollback = true; throw e; } finally { if (shouldRollback) { System.out.println("rollback"); } else { System.out.println("commit"); } } } }
class CodingTask implements Runnable {
@Override public void run() { System.out.println("writing code"); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) {
CodingTask task = new CodingTask();
task.run(); new LoggingRunnable(task).run(); new LoggingRunnable(new TransactionRunnable(task)).run(); } }
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| const assert = require('assert');
class Interface { constructor(name, methods) { assert(name, '接口名不能为空'); assert(Array.isArray(methods) && methods.every(m => typeof m === 'string'), '请检查方法名数组'); this.name = name; this.methods = methods; } static ensureImplements(obj, ...interfaces) { for (const inter of interfaces) { const clazz = inter.constructor; const className = clazz.name; assert.equal(clazz, Interface, `${className}必须通过new Interface生成`); for (const methodName of inter.methods) { assert.equal(typeof obj[methodName], 'function', `${className}没有实现呢${methodName}方法`); } } } }
const i1 = new Interface('map', ['zoomIn', 'zoomOut']); const i2 = new Interface('show', ['show']);
const map = { zoomIn() { console.log('map zoom in'); }, zoomOut() {
} };
Interface.ensureImplements(map, i1, i2); map.zoomIn();
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| function foo() { var a = 10; function bar() { a *= 2; return a; } return bar; }
const baz = foo(); let ret = baz(); ret = baz(); debugger var blat = foo(); ret = blat(); debugger
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| function Book(newISBN){ var isbn; this.setISBN = function(newISBN) { isbn = newISBN; } this.getISBN = function(){ return isbn; } this.setISBN(newISBN); } Book.prototype.commonMethod = function(){}
- 新的对象的私有属性和方法都需要占用额外的内存(一般的创建对象所有的方法都存储在原型对象中,内存中只存储一份)
- 不利于派生子类,不能访问父类的私有属性和方法
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| function priavateProp(obj, filter){ const handler = { get(obj, prop) { if(!filter(prop)){ let val = Reflect.get(obj, prop) if(typeof val === 'function'){ val = val.bind(obj) } return val } }, set(obj, prop, val) { if(filter(prop)){ throw new Error(`cannot set property ${prop}`) } return Reflect.set(obj, prop, val) }, has(obj, prop) { return filter(prop) ? false : Reflect.has(obj, prop) }, ownKeys(obj) { return Reflect.ownKeys(obj).filter( prop => !filter(prop)) } }
return new Proxy(obj, handler) }
function filter(prop){ return prop.indexOf('_') === 0 }
const o = { _private: 'private property', name: 'public name', say(){ console.log(this._private) } }
const p = priavateProp(o, filter)
p._private JSON.stringify(p)
console.log('_private' in p)
p._private = '000'
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| function Person(name) { this.name = name; } Person.prototype.getName = function () { return this.name; };
function Author(name, books) { Person.call(this, name); this.books = books; }
Author.prototype = new Person(); Author.prototype.constructor = Author; Author.prototype.getBooks = function () { return this.books; }
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| function extend(subClass, superClass) { const F = function () { }; F.prototype = superClass.prototype; subClass.prototype = new F(); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
subClass.superClass_ = superClass.prototype; if (superClass.prototype.constructor === Object.prototype.constructor) { superClass.prototype.constructor = superClass; } }
function Person(name) { this.name = name; } Person.prototype.getName = function () { return this.name; };
function Author(name, books) { this.books = books; Author.superClass_.constructor.call(this, name); } extend(Author, Person); Author.prototype.getBooks = function () { return this.books; } Author.prototype.getName = function () { const name = Author.superClass_.getName.call(this); return name + '->' + this.getBooks().join(','); };
const a = new Author('村上春树', ['挪威的森林', '1Q84']) const info = a.getName();
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| function Person(name) { this.name = name; } Person.prototype.getName = function () { return this.name; };
function Author(name, books) { Person.call(this, name); this.books = books; } Author.prototype.getBooks = function () { return this.books; }
require('util').inherits(Author, Person);
node中实现实际上是通过Object.setPrototypeOf(ctor.prototype, superCtor.prototype)
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| class Person { constructor(name) { this.name = name; } getName() { return this.name; } } class Author extends Person { constructor(name, books) { super(name); this.books = books; } getBooks() { return this.books; } }
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| const clone = obj => { function F(){}; F.prototype = obj; return new F(); }
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| const Person = { init(name, age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; }, show() { return `name = ${this.name},age = ${this.age}`; } };
const s = clone(Person); s.showAge = function () { return this.age; }; s.init('张三', 14); console.log(s.show()); console.log(s.showAge());
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| const Util = { show() { const output = []; for (const key of Object.keys(this)) { output.push(`${key} : ${this[key]}`); } return output.join(','); } }
class Student { constructor(name, age, courses) { this.name = name; this.age = age; this.courses = courses; } }
function mixin(receivingClass, givingClass) { for (const methodName in givingClass) { if (!receivingClass.prototype[methodName]) { receivingClass.prototype[methodName] = givingClass[methodName]; } } }
mixin(Student, Util);
const s = new Student('张三丰', 83, ['太极拳', '乾坤大罗伊']); const str = s.show();
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| const Singleton = { attr1: true, attr2: 10, _privateAttr1: 'hehe', method1() { }, method2() { }, _privateMethod(){ } }
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| const Singleton = (function () { const privateAttr = 1; const privateMethod = () => 1;
return { publicAttr: true, publicMethod(args) { } } })();
上面的这种模式又称为模块模式(module pattern),指的是把一批相关的属性和方法组织成模块并起到划分命名空间的作用。
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| const Singleton = (function () { let uniqInstance; function constructor() { const privateAttr = 1; const privateMethod = () => 1;
return { publicAttr: true, publicMethod(args) { } } } return { getInstance() { if (!uniqInstance) uniqInstance = constructor(); return uniqInstance; } }; })();
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| const XHRFactory = (function () { const standard = { createXHR() { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } }; const activeXNew = { createXHR() { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } }; const activeXOld = { createXHR() { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } };
let testObj; try { testObj = standard.createXHR(); return standard; } catch (e) { try { testObj = activeXNew.createXHR(); return activeXNew; } catch (error) { try { testObj = activeXOld.createXHR(); return activeXOld; } catch (error) { throw new Error('no xhr object found in this enviroment'); } } } })();
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| class Student { constructor() { this.name = 'defalut'; this.age = 0; } setName(name) { this.name = name; return this; } setAge(age) { this.age = age; return this; } getName(cb) { cb.call(this, this.name); return this; } getAge(cb) { cb(this.age); return this; } }
new Student().getName(console.log) .setAge(10).getAge(console.log)
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| class Toyota { constructor() { this.name = '丰田'; } } class Audi { constructor() { this.name = '奥迪'; } } class BMW { constructor() { this.name = '宝马'; } }
const inters = ['wash', 'run', 'repair']; for (const clazz of [Toyota, Audi, BMW]) { for (const inter of inters) { clazz.prototype[inter] = function () { console.log(`${this.name} -> ${inter}`); } } }
const Car = new Intercafe('Car', inters);
class CarFactory { static makeCar(model) { let car; switch (model) { case 'toyota': car = new Toyota(); break; case 'audi': car = new Audi(); break; case 'bmw': car = new BMW(); break; } Intercafe.ensureImplements(car, Car); return car; } } class CarShop { static sellCar(model) { const car = CarFactory.makeCar(model); car.wash(); return car; } }
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| const AjaxHandler = new Intercafe('AjaxHandler', ['request', 'createXhr']);
class SimpleHandler { constructor() { this.createXhr = null; } request(method, url, callback, postVars) { const xhr = this.createXhr(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState !== 4) return; xhr.status === 200 ? callback.success(xhr.responseText, xhr.responseXML) : callback.failure(xhr.status); } xhr.open(method, url, true); if (method !== 'POST') postVars = null; xhr.send(postVars); } createXhr() { const methods = [ function () { return new XMLHttpRequest(); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } ]; for (const method of methods) { try { method(); } catch (e) { continue; } this.createXhr = method; return method; } throw new Error('SimpleHandler:Can not create an xhr object.'); } }
class QueueHandler extends SimpleHandler { constructor() { this.queue = []; this.requestInProcess = false; this.retryDelay = 5; } advanceQueue() { if (this.queue.length === 0) { this.requestInProcess = false; return; } const req = this.queue.shift(); this.request(req.method, req.url, req.callback, req.postVars, true); } request(method, url, callback, postVars, override) { if (this.requestInProcess && !override) { this.queue.push({ method, url, callback, postVar }); } else { this.requestInProcess = true; const xhr = this.createXhr(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState !== 4) return; if (xhr.status === 200) { callback.success(xhr.responseText, xhr.responseXML) this.advanceQueue(); } else { callback.failure(xhr.status); setTimeout(() => { this.request(method, url, callback, postVars, true); }, this.retryDelay * 1000); } } xhr.open(method, url, true); if (method !== 'POST') postVars = null; xhr.send(postVars); } } }
class OfflineHandler extends SimpleHandler { constructor() { this.storedRequests = []; } request(method, url, callback, postVars) { if (XhrManager.isOffline()) { this.storedRequests.push({ method, url, callback, postVar }); } else { this.flushStoredRequests(); super.request(method, url, callback, postVars); } } flushStoredRequests() { for (const req of this.storedRequests) { super.request(req.method, req.url, req.callback, req.postVars); } } }
const XhrManager = { createXhrHandler() { let xhr; if (this.isOffline()) { xhr = new OfflineHandler(); } else if (this.isHighLatency()) { xhr = new QueueHandler(); } else { xhr = new SimpleHandler(); } Intercafe.ensureTmplements(xhr, AjaxHandler); return xhr; }, isOffline() { }, isHighLatency() { } };
工厂模式的好处在于消除对象间的耦合,通过工厂方法而不是new关键字可以把所有的实例化代码集中在一个位置,从而可以大大简化更换所用的类或者在运行期间选择类的工作。在派生子类的时候也提供了更大的灵活性 ———— 先创建一个抽象的父类,在子类中创建工厂方法,从而把成员对象的实例化推迟到专门的子类中进行。